Starting the Installation Process

After correctly preparing the wall and your wallcovering, you can begin the installation process. Remember that it's generally not advisable to apply wallcoverings when the temperature is below 50°F as this can impact the adhesive's effectiveness. Always consult the instructions on your adhesive for the appropriate temperature range.

Preparing the Wallcovering

If you've booked your wallcovering, carefully unroll the strip before installation. If the manufacturer didn't recommend booking, evenly apply the wallpaper adhesive to the strip before attaching it to the wall.

Positioning and Smoothing the Wallpaper

Using the correct primer and wallpaper paste will enable you to easily slide the wallpaper on the wall and position it accurately. After positioning the strip and ensuring it's straight, start smoothing out air bubbles and securing the wallcovering to the wall with your smoothing tool. Begin at the ceiling and work downwards, applying gentle pressure to avoid squeezing out excess adhesive or tearing the wallcovering.

Trimming and Aligning the Wallpaper

Next, use a snap blade knife to trim any surplus wallpaper and remove residual adhesive with a damp sponge. Continue placing the strips around the room, aligning the seams without overlapping. When encountering obstacles, make relief cuts to alleviate pressure and tension on the wallpaper, enabling you to attach the wallcovering without tearing it. After smoothing the strip around the obstacle using relief cuts, trim any excess wallpaper as you would at the ceiling and baseboards.

Working Around Obstacles

Some typical obstacles you might need to install wallpaper around include:

  • Windows
  • Curves
  • Interior corners
  • Pedestal sinks

Making Accurate Relief Cuts

The placement of relief cuts will vary depending on the specific obstacle you're working around. However, it's crucial to carefully feel for the edges to avoid cutting too far into the wallcovering strip when making relief cuts.